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  • Writer's pictureVedika Kapur

ART THERAPY: Paint your emotions

Remember how your parents told you that you made a mess with your paints or any colours for that matter? It used to happen because at that time we didn’t have a goal or an aim when we picked up a brush, but now we feel under pressure when we pick up a pencil or a paint brush because we may feel that people would judge us for our bad drawings which is why the end result of picking up a brush has become very important to us.

People can be good or bad at drawing, but no matter how your art skills are, what you create will always be beautiful because you made it.

But what can you paint without analyzing and planning? Your emotions is the answer.

It's healthy to acknowledge what you feel and allow yourself to feel it without judgment.

Nobody can tell you what such a painting is supposed to look like except you.

The question is that how can we paint our emotions, they are not visible to anyone and they do not have a color but we can associate a certain color with certain feelings.

Every culture associates different colors with different emotions but you can use this list to confront your own notions about colors and feelings, which can be especially useful if you've never done something like this before:

1. BLACK: The color of dominance and mystery, just like the color black cannot get any darker your feelings cannot get any deeper. This color can cover all the other colors just like these deep feeling stop you from feeling anything else. This color also symbolizes feelings like grief and sorrow.

2. RED: The color of love, passion and desire but also, energy, ambition and danger. Red is a color about feeling it with all your heart be it love or anger. This color represents some fierce feelings that overwhelm you guiding you towards a certain goal which is more important than everything else.

3. ORANGE: The calmer and more rational type of red. This color represents motivation, joy and optimism. It’s about power of working together, instinct and it also gives off an extrovert energy.

4. BROWN: The darker and desaturated orange. Brown, like the ground symbolizes stability and reliability, but also dirt and foulness.

5. WHITE: The color of peace. What is white? Roses, a wedding dress, a bird, a statue, maybe jewelry, Jesus and so many more things. White is like the default color. It symbolizes spiritual purity, light, perfection, innocence. This color is all about feeling confident and calm. You can neutralize every color by adding white to them, making the colors calmer and less overwhelming for you. White is a symbol of contentment and a perfect balance between all colors.

6. YELLOW: The color of optimism and general cheerfulness. Yellow is the brightest of hues and symbolize the joy and enthusiasm that brightens everything around it. It is generally a happy color but it can also symbolize stubbornness and cowardice.

7. GREEN: The color of natural growth. Green symbolizes hope and youthfulness but also balance, calm, and safety. This color is all about harmony and peace. It is generally a symbol of life but also has some negative meaning like jealousy or spite.

8. BLUE: This color represents the mind rather than the emotion. Blue is generally associated with sadness or melancholy but it is also the color of faith, wisdom and stability. It is one of the calmer hues which symbolizes loyalty and trust.

9. PURPLE: The color of magic and mystery. It is the color of the extraordinary. It symbolizes creativity, independence, imagination, but also pride and immaturity.

10. PINK: The color of recklessness and light-heartedness. This color is about being silly and immature, but it is generally associated with femininity, love and kindness. It symbolizes delicate and quiet feelings, as well as being detached from reality.

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